What We Do
Online Home Sleep Study & Dr. Sleep Show
This website has evolved to serve a dual purpose. The Doctor Sleep Show on Champions' TV is promoting my new book, Beautiful Faces: A Guide to Beautiful Faces and Healthy Airways.
What if we could raise our children to reach their genetic potential, growing into the best versions of themselves? What if we could mitigate the negative modern epigenetic factors that affect our blood oxygen levels, degrade our facial beauty, and lead us to chronic disease?
What if all of this could be achieved with minimal reliance on plastic surgery, Botox and collagen fillers, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics products, or strict regimens of self-discipline? Instead, could we embrace enjoyable, inspiring, and even natural solutions that most people would readily adopt? And what if, in the process, we could also reduce our national healthcare expenditures by as much as 50% while improving the quality of care? Hello, and thank you for taking a look at our online sleep apnea testing order site. Here is some information you should know before purchasing your medical sleep test kit and professional interpretation services.
This site emphasizes sleep testing and diagnosis. It is the first step in finding solutions for chronic diseases and airway issues. In the past, sophisticated testing services have been done in hospitals or medical sleep diagnostics centers, and they have been highly regulated and restricted by insurance carriers and various medical and dental regulatory agencies. The restrictions have been centered on issues of quality of care, costs of the services to insurance carriers, and who is qualified to order these tests in our various medical and dental professions.
As with many services and products that once were by prescription only or could only be performed in a medical lab or professional office and paid for by medical insurance, this test, along with many others, has been slowly evolving into a service that can be lowered in cost because of large volume direct-to-consumer availability. Once these tests and products become direct-to-consumer and mail orders, medical insurance will no longer cover them.
This home sleep test offered on our service is also not covered by insurance, which is why the cost is so low and why it is so widely available. The cost of this test is actually lower than what most people pay for their deductible and out-of-pocket costs when insurance is involved. This test also has the potential to be more private than tests done in a medical clinic.
All of us can remember when certain drug prescriptions that once had to be authorized by a written prescription are now available over the counter at much lower costs. Even expensive lab tests, such as colon cancer screening tests, can now be ordered by mail or online. Certain dental procedures, such as teeth whitening, can now be ordered by mail or over the counter at a dramatically lower cost. Even telemedicine is gaining popularity for online medical consultations. Access to care and costs of care is a very important issue, and the fact is there are over 70 million people with obstructive sleep apnea who do not know they have it, and most of them snore, which affects the health of their sleep partners as well. It is estimated that only 20% of them have been diagnosed.
Of those who have been diagnosed and are being treated with CPAP or oral appliance, a great many are not able to wear their CPAP or oral sleep breathing device and are therefore at great risk of severe medical issues, such as stroke, heart disease, weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, car accidents from daytime sleepiness and much more. The costs of these diseases are astronomical compared to the cost of treating obstructive sleep apnea that causes or worsens them. Many who are using CPAP have not had a test to see how well their therapy is working in a very long time. The fact that patients are not diagnosed is the most compelling reason to offer this to the general public. It is an ethical and imperative massive public health issue that must be addressed to help save lives and lower out-of-control healthcare costs.
The same trend toward mail order and online ordering is true for sleep studies. There are sleep disorders that still must be treated in hospitals and medical sleep labs. Currently, over 100 different sleep disorders have been identified, and sleep lab testing is required in hospitals or sleep labs. These tests are called polysomnograms, or PSG for short. Home sleep studies are not the type of testing patients with these diseases need. PSGs are much more accurate in diagnosing the full spectrum of sleep disorders and must be used in severe sleep apnea cases and for sleep disorders that are not just obstructive sleep apnea cases. However, the vast majority of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, and now even medical sleep labs are using home sleep studies for many of their patients because they have the advantage of a patient doing the test in the familiarity and comfort of their own home.
The home sleep studies or testing services we offer here and by many others are abbreviated as (HST) tests. They are still read and interpreted by a Board-certified MD, DO, or a credentialed specialist Nurse Practitioner in Sleep Medicine. These individuals must diagnose sleep disorders and give treatment recommendations or prescriptions for sleep disorders for either a polysomnogram (PSG) or a home sleep test (HST).
After a specialist in sleep medicine reviews your home sleep test, they'll provide a diagnosis. This could indicate no sleep apnea, mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, or a recommendation for follow-up with your primary care physician. Sometimes, you might be referred to a hospital or sleep clinic for a polysomnogram (PSG) if severe sleep apnea is detected or if the data suggests another underlying issue. Alternatively, if the test was incomplete, you may need to undergo another home sleep test to gather the necessary data for a more accurate interpretation.
Once you receive your test results, you can, if you want to, take those results to your primary care doctor, nurse practitioner, dentist, or other healthcare provider so that they can discuss the results with you and include them in your medical file. In some parts of the US and other countries, certain types of healthcare professionals or even certain health plans will not allow those practitioners to order these tests for you. However, Your healthcare provider can give you the option of going to our online store to purchase this test on your own. You can then take that test result to any healthcare professional to inform them better of your health conditions. There is also the additional benefit that this test and the results of this test, most of the time, can be used to get insurance benefits for the sleep apnea therapy that you need.
If you are going to try to be reimbursed for this test from your insurer, there are some insurance carriers that require you to get the order or letter of medical necessity before this test from a face-to-face meeting with your primary care provider in order for any prescribed care to be paid for by that insurer. One of those medical insurers that require this is Medicare, but a few others require it as well. In those cases, you may be required to get another sleep test prescribed by your medical primary care physician, and once that is ordered, Medicare will usually pay benefits for that test and the required treatment, too.
If you have an HSA or other type of health savings plan, you should pay the fee with your credit card. Then, you may submit the fee you paid to your reimbursement plan to get reimbursed for it. Check with their rules on this.
Dentists or other healthcare professionals should fill out the bulk order form on the home page or contact us if you wish to provide these tests to your patients and want a bulk order price for them. Those offices that already have HSTs and want a sleep medicine specialist to interpret, diagnose, and provide a letter of medical necessity for your study should also contact us for those services and fees.
In Summary:
This test is a direct-to-consumer purchase and is not covered by any insurance plan.
This test is DOT and CDL qualified.
This test can be used to get treatment that is covered by most medical insurance plans except Medicare and a few others. With our plan, you should check with your insurer to see if this test can be used to get sleep apnea treatment. Medicare and some carriers require that your primary care provider prescribes the test if you want benefits. If this happens, use the test results you have to get the primary care provider to issue a prescription for another test.
This test will not test for all types of sleep disorders. It is primarily for the majority of people who have sleep disorders to test for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
This test does not treat any medical disease. It is a screening test for obstructive sleep apnea.
Your test will be kept private, and we will comply with all HIPAA privacy laws. Please note: For those who are hearing or visually impaired, this information can be obtained here or by contacting us at support@onlinehomesleepstudy.com.
After diagnosis, you may want to be treated by a Doctor Sleep Snow airway-centric dentist to help preserve your appearance and improve your health without the requirement of a CPAP. If so, contact us for a list of referral practitioners.
Do you or someone you love have Sleep Apnea?
Now you can take the test and find out from the comfort of your own home.